I viewed multiple pictures and descriptions of optical devices on the LCI blog, and my opinion is that it is amazing how individuals could think up inventions like the graphoscope, or the magic lantern so many years ago. The two of my personal favourite optical devices are the graphoscope, and the poly-o-rama panoptique. The graphoscope was kind of like a large magnifying glass attached to a platform that had a small easel attached to that. What a person would do, would be to look through the single lens of the "magnifying glass" and be able to see whatever the small image on the easel would look like enlarged. The poly-o-rama panoptique, I'll just say P.O.R.P., was a device that a person would stick translucent pieces of paper that had pictures printed on them and hold the P.O.R.P. up to light to view the images. For all those who are too lazy to go to the LCI blog website, simply click on the optical devices link in sidebar link list.