Monday, April 18, 2011

Blog Post #10- Graffiti Tutorial


Are you looking to do some graffiti but don't want to get arrested? Then follow this link click here for part 1and watch this awesome tutorial! This link goes to part 2 of the TWOtorial (:D click here 4 part 2. The tutorial is done by some British guy who works for Photoshop Talent (I don't know if this is a real company or just that guy). The tutorial is all about how to create graffiti on Photoshop and then place it on a picture of a wall to make it look real. I found this tutorial extremely useful because one of the tech assignments I'm doing at the moment is on graffiti.
The thing I like about this tutorial is that it's very step-by-step. The guy whose narrating it makes sure the viewer understands what he's talking about (although he's got a heavy British accent so sometimes it's just difficult to even comprehend what words he's saying). I've seen other tutorials where the person just whips through it and isn't very clear with what buttons to press and which icons to click on. Hope you enjoy yourselves!

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