Bobby Chiu is a really good digital painter who works for Imaginism Studios. He's done a lot of digital drawings on dragons and monsters. He also teaches online digital painting at Schoolism.com. I like his artwork because I like drawing monsters and things like that too. It's neat to see the creative critters that Bobby Chiu thinks of, and how the dragons he draws are all different yet you can see some similarities in the way he draws them.
My favourites are these three photos that I uploaded, because I thought they were all really well done and they made me laugh. I like how the big red dragon is chasing the fuzzy white critter dressed up as a carrot. It was funny to see all these little creatures ganging up on a giant dragon that could probably knock them away easily. The blue dragon spotting the rubber dragon floatie was funny too, because it made me think of all the animals in the world who see people wearing clothes or something with their animal faces on them (for example, a raccoon seeing someone wearing a woolen raccoon hat) and probably wondering what is going on.
I recommend this link to all who want to see the rest of Bobby Chiu's works
By the way, Imaginism Studios did the art for Alice in Wonderland! Check out their website!

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