In CyberArts Tech we've learned about different shutter speeds and apertures. For those of you who don't know what those are, shutter speeds are the amounts of time a camera's shutter is open and an apertures is a hole or opening in a camera that allows light to pass through. Our assignment was to go outside and experiment with different shutter speeds and apertures. Below are some examples of photos we took; they were meant to have obvious mistakes in order for us to learn which shutter speeds and apertures work best depending on the shots we want. My group was me and NightAngel.
This is shot that was over-exposed; that means too much light reached the film and any bright parts of the photo lost detail. Our subject, fellow CyberArtist I AM AWESOME's shirt is too bright and detail is lost. We made the f-stop too low; our next attempt shall be with higher f-stops. NightAngel took this picture in order to capture I AM AWESOME's love for dandelions.
This next shot was underexposed; not enough light reached the film so shadows became too dark and photo lost detail. The f-stop we used was too low. Also, the depth of field is off since the fence that was in the foreground became a transparent blur. We suspect the shutter speed was too fast and the camera was focused on the background too much. I don't know which of us took this shot.
These are our best depth-of-field shots. The transparent fence was on purpose this time; we wanted to focus more on the Mighty Machine digging up our football field. NightAngel took that one. The dandelion picture I took; I wanted to focus on the yellow flowers (do you call them flowers if they are weeds also?) and have the green grass a bit more blurry.
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